Over the last several months we have transitioned to a new system to support our growth to our new, 40,000 square foot facility. This will help us ensure our stock levels are adequate to meet your renovation needs and timelines. The previous system included a customer portal with convenience features like historical invoices, online orders and payment, but lacked inventory management. The new system, while very robust for inventory and accounting, is not as “plug and play” for customers. The development of these front-end features has been taken longer than anticipated and, therefore they are not available at this time.
You will be receiving a login to the temporary portal within the next couple of days. This portal does include purchase history for 2019. The B2B portal can be accessed by clicking this link or by going to exist-portal.acumatica.com To aquire a login, please call 817-592-2000 or email sales@existmf.com to obtain one. To login, enter the username and password provided and choose Exist from the drop down menu.
We are working to resolve these issues and give you a greater array of convenience features going forward. We look forward to serving you in a wider variety of ways in 2020 with custom blinds and a broader selection of products.
Thank you,
The Exist Multifamily Team